Synaesthesia Drawings of Frédéric Chopin 2023
Synesthesia Drawings of Frédéric Chopin (2023-ongoing) sumi ink, walnut ink and gouache on murillo
Synesthesia Drawings of Frédéric Chopin were gleaned from “watching” the sounds of Arthur Rubinstein’s album Chopin: Nocturnes. Chopin's Nocturnes reveal delicate volatility, their notes flickering like fragments of light, fragile and always in motion. The drawings capture the ghosts of emotions that vanish the moment they’re touched, full of tenderness and ephemeral beauty—"fossils of fleeting harmonies."
Each mark, in both color and shape, corresponds precisely to a specific sonic cue. For Schwartz, sound moves through space in three-dimensional mobiles of color and form. She describes her process as “butterfly-netting” the most beautiful-looking sounds and pinning them to paper, preserving their fleeting presence in static form.
Additional synesthesia series emerge from the sensory experiences of Luxembourg Gardens, the voices of Alan Watts, Oliver Sacks, Richard Feynman, James Baldwin, and the music of Mozart.