Jessica Anne Schwartz

Lawrence Weschler in SchtudioSchwartz

Lawrence Weschler and Bee

Jessica Anne Schwartz is a multi-disciplinary artist living and working in New York and Paris. Her work is held and exhibited in private and public collections.

She has an uncommon form of synesthesia that inspires and informs all of her art. Her senses are cross-wired such that her hearing, touch, taste and smell all generate real-time moving images (some translucent, some opaque) in her visual field. As a result, she has an immense and strikingly beautiful internal visual landscape. What would appear to be abstract paintings and drawings are in fact, for her, naturalist renderings. She describes the process as “butterfly netting” the components of the ever-present sense generated three-dimensional moving images in her visual field and representing them in two dimensions on paper or canvas.

The diversity of her output can be attributed to what she describes as a “population of artists” who reside inside of her. These artists, each with their own personality and interests, compete for her time in order to manifest their own particular creative endeavors. As a result of this, all of her various series of work are continuously ongoing and evolving, and have been for decades.

As a child, Jessica bore witness to her father’s nine year battle with Glioblastoma, and an adult her mother’s struggle with dementia. Those experiences and her own synesthesia have sparked her ongoing deep-dive study of neuroscience, philosophy, evolution, consciousness and biology.

For the last six years, Jessica has painted original art on every single envelope for her studio and apartment rent, as well as her quarterly federal and New York State tax payments. Why? Because she feels gratitude and joy for the life she is living, and because there are actual humans on the other side of those transactions — unseen people who deserve to be seen, acknowledged and thanked for their part in shaping her human experience.

For all inquires please contact her studio.